my photographic memory
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♥ Welcome

Hei, this blog is all about me and my day to day life.
It is purely for my own entertainment and also for those who wish to read what ever I may have to say. I may rant but I shall not swear, or at least try my best not to. All I write is that of my opinion and no one elses. I do apologise if I offend anyone, I have no intention on doing that.
Otherwise, happy reading!
- Autumn, x x x.

♥ The Girl

Name: Autumn.
Birthdate:21st May 1991.
School:Finished in 2007.
Ambition:To become a Web Developer.

♥ Desires

Music <3
Family & Friends! <3
Web Design
Natural beauty
Historic novels
Vampire novels

♥ Chat with me

♥ Click

Dormant Desires.
My Mibba.
My YouTube.

♥ Past

July 2009

♥ Layout

Designer: Lady-Nadya
Images: 1 | 2
Brushes: 1 | 2 | 3
Font: DaFont - PhontPhreak's Handwriting
Base Codes: kynzgerl
Patterns: lyricaltragedy | blinding-light

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Welcoming [Dormant Desires] ! ♥ 20:47


I just wanted to write a short post to introduce to you my second blog, affiliated with this one, Dormant Desires!

This blog is about me and my desires. Of course it will contain sexual content so it is not really advised for those under the age of 18. However, if you are under age and do read the blog, I am not held responsible for it, at all!

If you feel that you want to read this blog, then the link is situated in the links section of this blog that you are now reading.

Anyway, I hope you like it and are as excited as i am to get it up and running.
All the love!

- Autumn, x x x.

Could You Please Repeat The Question?! ♥ 18:41

I am overly excited! Whay, you might ask?! Well, because today I went to the doctors who checked out my ears [Since I have trouble hearing] and he said that they were blocked, so he gave me some drops to soften the wax. I have to do this for a week before i can go to the doctor again and get my ears syringed! Sounds painful but it's what I really need in order to hear properly again.

Trust me, it's such a pain always having to ask someone to repeat the question and having to have my iPod and TV loud because I can't hear a thing. It gets frustrating for me and others around me and this syringing will hopefully relieve me of this frustration!

I am sort of used to it though because for the vast majority of my life I have had troubles with my hearing but as of late it seems to be getting worse. [Happens with old age I guess! (I'm only 18!)]

I really can't wait until next Tuesday when I can have my hearing back. When I do, I shall have a party!! [With loud music and bust my ears again!] Typical me!

Anyway, I shall now head off to make myself some dinner!
Ciao for now!

-Autumn, x x x.

Monday 13 July 2009

Make Me Blind, Cover My Eyes... ♥ 02:02

...You Can Do What You Want. (Title credit to The Rasmus - Last Waltz.)

Today so far, is not a good day for me. I swear I coming down with some sort of bug because all my drive has just gone from high to a major low. I woke up a little later than usual today, which is another thing I did not like. I hate waking up too late because it just drives me nuts. Makes me feel like I have ruined the day.

Also, I have to be in town today for quite a while as I have some things to post and sort out, which is not so good but it should be long before I can come back home, do the dishes and then...well, that's pretty much it.

Until I start college again [Which I am majorly excited for] I am spending most of my days doing what I can to be busy which is okay but after a while you run out of things to do.

I think I should try booking myself a doctors appointment soon, still haven't gone and really need to.

Anyway, aside from my slight downer I can't wait to get online later on tonight and talk with Hayley. I've missed her over the weekend and it just isn't the same when I can't talk to her. [COME HOME!] Bless but I hear she's been having a good time which is fab!

Now, suddenly i am in a creative mood, which I don't like being because I never know what to do with the creativity. I got to write but then nothing useful comes out and then website designs and layout making has to wait because I can't find my Paint Shop Pro disc!

Jeeeez! Some one save me!?

-Autumn, x x x.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Come Feel The Heat, The Sweet Vibrations! ♥ 15:17

Title credit goes to Italo Brothers - Stamp On The Ground! Absolutely fantastic tune!! I really must have a go at jump style, I've just about got the basics of it, but that's as far as it goes.

For now, on the sunny Sunday (Ironic huh, SUNday.) [Yeah, easily amused but hey, who can blame me?!] I am just relaxing and taking the time to chill out, watch some films and write on my blog [Which no one but Hayley reads...] !!

Yesterday was a rather slow day for me as it was a day of recovery. Friday I was invited along with my cousin to go out and get absolutely wazzled, which i think I did. I managed to meet some new people and thought they were fab! It's hard for me to make friends but I am glad I went along on that night because i got to know some great people.

We talked about the strangest things, I mean...the moment I started talking Sandra* and I started talking about porn...yep, porn! Fab topic to talk about when you first meet someone but it's a mutual topic, you either love it or you hate it! [and I just happen to love it! so shoot me! lol.]
We had a great time going from pub to club...and so on! Dancing the night away which is what I love to do most! Give me a dance floor, give me some good tunes and TADA!!! I am satisfied!

So anyway, after a fab Friday, i spent the most of my Saturday chillin' and recovering from the night before. I have been drunk before but never have I been hungover like that. Jeez, I didn't like it one bit but I guess that's what you get, [if you let your heart win!] for drinking! [Be Aware, Drink sensibly] which I did! I was still aware of what was going around me, which is all good in moderation!

After a delicious Chicken burger and chips [much better than McDonalds!] I sat about in my PJs with my cousins and watched TV. Later on in the evening we decided to watch 'Some Kind Of Wonderful' a awesome film which had one of my cousin's in tears, bless lol.

For the rest of the night we talked, watched TV and listened to some music. I got my cousin in to The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and she loves them now! woohoo!! [Hail my music taste!!]

Today started off with a refreshing bath, some tunes on Clubland TV and then going out with my cousin for a Sunday Roast and by God it was looovely! I am still stuffed now and that was about an hour or two ago.

So yeah, a long journal to explain my weekend and to catch up. The only downside to the weekend was that I hardly got to talk to Hayley but i am sure I will soon. Now going to go and watch a film...maybe 'The Boy In Striped Pyjamas' so best go get some tissues cause apparently it's going to make me cry [Which is not hard anyway lol.]

Until then!
Ciao for now, Beautifuls!

- Autumn, x x x.

* Names changed for obvious reasons.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Hate Is A Strong Word...! ♥ 12:04

...but I really, really, really LOVE it!

What do I hate?! You may ask. Well, That's what I hate. Actually no, I don't hate the site but instead I hate those within it. [Not every user, just the majority of them.]

When I started out on that site [Mainly because writers were no longer able to post their stories on the site, so I had to switch to Mibba to read them.] it was brilliant, the most amazing thing to date! (At the time, I think it was about 2006 or 2007 when I joined.) Back then I was illiterate, young and excited. I couldn't wait to start exploring the vast majority of stories that other users had posted. This was when My Chemical Romance fans pretty much dominated the boards. I loved it, because a lot of people got on and it was a fun atmosphere to have whilst online.

I spent a lot of my time on there, posting stories, journals and poems. I also met quite a few of my friends there too. Like Hayley for example! Now, it's these things that I don't hate. The old times but everything changes. Sometimes for the better but sadly, this was not the direction in which the Mibba changes took. In fact, Mibba went down hill after adding it's Chat feature and going through a refurbishment.

When this happened and when the fans of Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana started flooding in, it was then I thought; 'This can't be happening!' It's not that I have anything against those who are fans of these 'artists' but there are those select few that just...just make me want to scream!

Lately, I have been scanning the mibba journals and never can I find anything worth reading. All that section consists of these days are the younger members whining which then causes those older members to input a journal complaining about their whining and telling them to 'Shut up and stop!' Seriously, it's rediculous.

Never a member to make myself known, I just sit back and watch as war breaks out between everyone and to be completely honest, it's not those younger members that get me riled mostly, but those of an older age.

I am not saying that all members aged 17 and above are bad but a select few that seem to take their age and use it as an advantage to post rude journals about other members. Now, whilst I do not actually know these people but when online, impressions are all derived from what you write which is a danger zone to me because without being able to see the emotions and hear the tone of voice the writer uses when composing their journal, it becomes difficult to interpret the meaning of what they are trying to say. so when I come across these journals the title alone has me thinking 'Who do you think you are?'

What gets me most is their attitude within the journals they write when telling those that have annoyed them what they are doing is in fact annoying. a lot of them will write that 'thay don't care' if anyone comments in disagreement, they are stating their opinion.

Whilst this is also good in its own way, it also comes across as if their opinion is all that matters, that if someone was to disagree with them then it would not matter because they 'don't care!'

Further more, most will state that they are 'not afraid to tell it how it is' and 'if you don't like it, then don't read it!' well news flash dear poster, when you post a journal with a content bound to get mixed opinions and on top of that telling them that you are not afraid to tell it how it is will obviously bring out those comments that will disagree. 'If you don't like it then don't read it!' this is of those sayings that annoys me so much I just can't even bring myself to explain why!

It just seems that a select few, aged 17 and over with this 'I don't care' attitude are going the wrong way about it in my opinion. It's okay to have that kind of attitude but when you put it about in a rude manner then it becomes a different story. This attitude does not make you better than anyone else, better than those you are writing to complain about, in fact it makes you worse because you are just being immature, although you claim to be one more immature than 'them.'

This post is inspired by one journal that had me so miffed it was unbelievable! I won't mentions names because it's just not worth it but that journal alone made me realise all that I have written about here that age is no longer just a number but a level of divine right. The older you are, the more right you have to complain about those younger than you.

Whilst I will step aside from my argument and say that some of those aged 13 and under are in fact annoying and need to get a reality check, it doesn't mean that we, the ones who should know better have to pick out everything they do to annoy us and belittle them about it just sinking to their level.

What's worse about all this is the commentors to these journals. Major suck ups! honestly!! Hei Ho, I have probably been one of these suck ups at some point but now i just don't see the point. I just don't see why they have to justify themselves to these posters in order to remain in their good-books.

'Yeah, I agree, I mean I used to .... but I don't anymore and those who still do it are......'

Why do you do this? If you don't agree with what they say or are guilty of commiting the very crime they are complaining about, don't suck up and feel you have to apologise in order to look good. That's just pathetic, if anything tell the truth and tell them how it is. If it causes a riot then at least it's over something you stand for or even better, don't comment at all. It's just not worth your time.

I no longer comment on these journals because I just don't see the point in feeding their satisfaction.

So, whilst i do not agree with the attitude of some of the older members, I also do not agree with the majority of younger members who;

a) Whine because they did not get their own way!
b) Complain about love and boyfriends!
c) Try to act mature!

Okay, here it is.

a) Just because you didn't get your own way, does it mean you have to throw a tantrum about it?! Please, just think about it, if you deserve it, it will come to you in time. If you don't, then it won't.

b) 13!? Complaining about boyfriends/girlfriends!!? Wow, seriously!! You are still young, forget about it and enjoy being young, enjoy the years where you don't have to take major responsibility and pay bills because when you reach this age, it's only going to be a pain and you will wish you can go back in time. Trust me.

c) You are not 16 or 17, you are still barely a teenager so please top trying to act older because it just makes you look stupid.

Note: I do apologise if I have come across as a hypocrite due to the statement above but atleast i can push aside my age for a moment, be mature and apologise for what ever offence I may cause.

You can dissagree with me but as they say, everyone is allowed an opinion, this is mine and what you may say is yours. Although we may not agree doesn't mean we have to fight about it.

Kudos to those members who have this mature attitude to debates and giving out their opinion. It is those members on mibba that I admire.


That is all for now from me.
Ciao for now!

- Autumn, x x x.

Monday 6 July 2009

Story Of My Life! ♥ 11:20

Yes, the story of my life is quite basic. It has the odd trips here and there but whose life doesn't. Anyway, yesterday I had an amazing day as my dad had come down to visit me.

We started out by having a coffee in the house and chatting, breaking the ice since it was the first time I was meeting him properly. The last time was at my sister's wedding last year but circumstances were slightly different then.

I was nervous as hell. I mean, we were both nervous but in that morning alone I had put the kettle on twice and could not sit still. It was a nightmare waiting for him to arrive as my nerves wouldn't let me eat or drink, my hands were shaking too.

When i finally saw him I could see where I got my height from. Handing him his coffee I then burst in to tears! Oh deary me! I felt oh-so-stupid but he was okay with that. Bless.

So afterwards we went out for a pub dinner and talked, my cousin came along too which was great because I needed her there. I had a great time and got on really well with him. Aside from being a little quiet I think it went well which makes me happy. It was also funny when my other cousin came along with her boyfriend.

When he left, I got a hug which was nice and then I chilled out for the night, watching some films with a slight headache. I managed to watch Madagascar two, parts of 'Some Kind Of Wonderful' and RENT!

Epic movies if you ask me. Just need to finish off 'Some Kind Of Wonderful.' =]

As for today I am going to chill until about 2pm where I am going to head to the the cinema and watch Ice Age 3!! I love those films, crack me up with laughter each time! <3 Sid the Sloth!

Ciao for now, beautifuls!

-Autumn, x x x.

Saturday 4 July 2009

You Remind Me Of Bananas...! ♥ 17:44


Just thought i'd pop in to give to tell you all about my fantabulous day!

Okay, so it wasn't all that 'fantabulous' but more like a drag! I decided today that I would take a stroll in to town and get my photos done for my license and after I thought I might aswell look around since I have nothing else to do. Not good!

I always know that when I have money and I look around town, I am bound to return with something or other. Today, what was my buy?!

A large white shirt that is almost like a dress that ties up just under the boobs! I absolutely adore it!! I also bought a bag that is blue with large white polkadots! Beautiful!!

I don't normally buy large bags but the minute I saw it, i fell in love!!

Right now I am painting my nails, a nice bright yellow which is making me want a banana!! [hense the title of this blog!] I am also on MSN talking to my dear friend Hayley!!
[Yes, that is 'Skye' mentioned in my first blog]

Hayles and I have been friends for aaaages and I can't imagine going a day without talking to her! She's my hyper buddy and hell, we've been through some crap together but we always cheer each other up!! [You can see her blog, just click 'Hayley' in my links!] Also, she tells the most amazing stories and has a corrupted mind that spurts all sorts of sexual stuff!!
[tut, tut!]

Finally, this heat!! Oh-My-Effin-God!! it's just beyong a joke, it's currently 24 degrees which is okay but I think that has been the lowest this week!

I am not one for heat, I prefer cold weather and it just so happens the UK is going through a heatwave! Stupid land!!

Okay, so here ends my rambling for the day!
Ciao for now beautifuls!

-Autumn, x x x.

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